In a year which many would describe as at best difficult, Wanaka-based PURE New Zealand Ice Cream continue to churn success as we reach our 55th award since we began creating our natural, hand crafted ice creams in 2009.
The 2020 NZ Ice Cream Manufacturers’ Awards announced their medallists this week and we've been awarded a coveted Gold Medal for our Boysenberry Gelato, as well as silver medals for another 4 of our top selling ice creams: Salted Caramel, Mascarpone Date and Orange, Roasted White and Dark Chocolate and the iconic Hokey Pokey.
Earlier this year, our Boysenberry Gelato was named Dairy Champion in the 2020 Outstanding NZ Food Producers’ Awards, where the Judges praised the gelato for its natural boysenberry flavour and creamy texture, complaining “…it’s difficult to resist”.
The Awards, owned and run by the NZ Ice Cream Manufacturers Association, have been held since 1997 and are in their 23rd year. It is New Zealand’s only national ice cream, gelato, sorbet and dairy-free frozen products competition. The NZ Ice Cream Awards benchmark the best in New Zealand and celebrate the local industry.
Ice cream, gelato, sorbet and dairy-free producers throughout New Zealand are encouraged to submit products for consideration with the assurance that judging is objective and transparent, conducted by an independent panel of food experts.
Director and our Head of Production at PURE, Anna Howard, says “We’re absolutely thrilled to receive recognition from our industry again this year. Each year we pit ourselves against all other producers in the sector and we are always humbled when the attention to detail and hard work of the our Team is recognised with medal success. National awards are also a great way to reassure consumers that they are choosing genuinely premium ice creams, gelatos and sorbets when they choose PURE”.
Best in Category is a pinnacle award and is announced at the NZICMA Awards Dinner at the Cordis in Auckland on the 4 November and will be attended by Anna. PURE NZ Ice Cream are also finalists in the Westpac Otago Business Awards in the Sustainability Category – Sustainability being a key brand pilar for PURE. The winner will be announced at the Awards Dinner in Dunedin on 13th November.
PURE New Zealand Ice Cream is available from supermarkets and food service businesses nationwide.
For more information - click here .
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