When we consume something that we enjoy, it triggers our brain to release endorphins, a natural chemical that can induce feelings of pleasure and happiness. The cold temperature of ice cream can enhance this effect by providing an invigorating and refreshing experience, especially on a hot day. Add to that the enormous variety of flavours that are bound to have your taste buds jumping for joy. Who knows what kind of happiness the next scoop will bring!
Ice cream is often associated with positive memories and experiences, such as childhood treats, summer fun or enjoyable social occasions. It is also a great way to bond with others and make new memories. These positive associations create a sense of nostalgia and happiness - it’s not just about the taste, but also the memories and emotions that are tied to it. Whether you are sharing a scoop with your family on a hot day or enjoying an ice cream dessert with your best friends, there’s always a little more fun and happiness when ice cream is involved.
Ice cream, along with chocolate, is often seen as a comfort food providing a temporary escape from stress or negative emotions and soothing our mood. When we feel down or anxious, indulging in a little ice cream can provide a temporary distraction and, according to science, help our body to produce Serotonin, a feel-good hormone. In fact, one study from the Institute of Psychiatry in London found that consuming ice cream can stimulate the same pleasure centres in our brain that are stimulated when winning money or listening to your favourite music. So next time you need a little pick-me-up reach for a bowl of chocolate ice cream!
Yes we all know that too much sugar is not good for our health, but a little treat here and there can also be good. Sugar can temporarily boost our mood and energy levels. When we consume sugar, our brain releases Dopamine, a neurotransmitter that can create a sense of pleasure and reward. However, it is also important to remember that consuming too much sugar can lead to a crash and negative feelings afterwards. Remember – moderation is key.
From releasing endorphins, Serotonin and Dopamine to positive memories and social well-being, there are lots of reasons why ice cream can make you happy. And while we don’t recommend eating too much ice cream, since PURE is handcrafted and naturally delicious, having a scoop or two of your favourite flavour with a balanced diet is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face and add a little extra happiness to your day!